School District 2 expands summer school

Sheridan County School District 2, which operates the schools in Sheridan and Story, will expand summer school this year.
Mitch Craft, an assistant superintendent with the district, explained during a recent meeting of the school board.
According to information presented by Craft, standard summer school programs are scheduled to run the mornings of Aug. 3-14 in the district’s kindergarten through eighth grades, and Sheridan High School typically runs for three weeks in June.

Craft said additional sessions will be offered at all five of the elementary schools in Sheridan, at Sheridan Junior High School and The Wright Place, at Sheridan High School and at the John C. Schiffer Collaborative School.
The Wright Place and Schiffer are the district’s alternative schools for junior high and high school students.
Also, Craft said, Story Elementary doesn’t generally offer a summer school program, but this summer, Story will offer a summer program in August with the rest of the district’s elementary schools.
Individual school programs are as follows:
Henry A. Coffeen Elementary is running expanded summer sessions from June 8 through July 3, and again from July 20-31. Coffeen currently has seven teachers serving 53 students during morning sessions.
Highland Park Elementary will add afternoon sessions to summer school in August, allowing the school to serve up to twice the usual number of students.
Meadowlark Elementary sill offer six-week small group tutoring sessions for struggling learners. Sessions started June 8 and will serve up to 20 students.
Sagebrush Elementary also started an expanded session on June 8. The session will finish on July 3. Because of construction at the Sagebrush school, the district is busing students to Coffeen school for the summer program.
Woodland Park Elementary started a series of six-week small-group tutoring sessions for struggling learners on June 14.
Story Elementary will offer summer school in August.
Sheridan Junior High School and The Wright Place are enhancing their existing summer program, primarily through additional math and English learner support. The program is also expanding to accept larger enrollment.
Sheridan High School expanded the Success Academy program to serve more students from June 8-26. Staff members are working with 60 students to meet standards and finish coursework. As of June 11, students had recouped 30 courses through the Success Academy.
John C. Schiffer is offering courses through an online credit recovery program called Apex, and the school will offer a face-to-face summer school program in August.
Craft said the school district will provide a full summer school update and a full Success Academy report to trustees next fall.