New equipment to improve voting experience this year

New equipment is expected to improve the experience of voting in Sheridan County this year.
County Clerk Eda Schunk Thompson introduced the new equipment and explained what the equipment will do in a meeting at the courthouse earlier this week. Thompson said this is the first new equipment in 15 years or more.
The new machines include an ExpressVote Universal Voting System that uses touch-screen technology to produce a paper-based voting record for tabulation. Thompson said the machine eliminates the need for interpretation of the voter’s mark on a ballot.
She said the machine also allows everyone to vote with privacy.
Other new equipment includes a precinct-based ballot scanner and vote tabulator and a central scanner and tabulator that can process more ballots in less time. In addition, Thompson said, the machine also handles functions that in the past have had to be done by hand – including counting write-in votes.
For the sake of public health and safety this year, Thompson’s office has consolidated Sheridan County’s polling locations into seven polling sites for the Aug. 18 primary elections.
Those sites are Holy Name Church, the Exhibit Hall at the Sheridan County Fairgrounds, Calvary Baptist Church, Bethesda Worship Center, the Big Horn Women’s Club and the Ranchester Town Hall.
Here’s how those locations have been consolidated:
Voters who in the past have voted at Holy Name Church, Ed Hammer’s Inc. and the Sheridan County Courthouse will vote on Aug. 18 at Holy Name Church.
Voting will be at the Exhibit Hall for those who have voted there in the past as well as voters who have gone to the Tourist Information Center, the Beckton School House Building and the Wyarno Fire Hall.
Those who voted at Calvary Baptist and the Rock Church will vote at Calvary Baptist.
Bethesda Worship Center will be for those who have voted in the past at Bethesda, the Story Women’s Club, Clearmont Fire Hall in Arvada, the Clearmont Town Hall and the Prairie Dog Women’s Club.
Those who have voted at Water Products Inc. will again this year vote at Water Products Inc. on South Sheridan Avenue.
The Big Horn Women’s Club will be open for those who have voted there in the past.
Ranchester Town Hall will be the polling site for those who in the past have voted at the Dayton Town Hall as well as those who have voted at the Ranchester Town Hall.

Kenneth J Clark
November 2, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Get rid of voting machines as they allow voter fraud