SCLT Explore History at TRVCC Rescheduled

The Sheridan Community Land Trust announced today that due to weather its SCLT Explore History program for March at the Tongue River Valley Community Center in Dayton has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 25, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
The program’s topic will remain “The Historic Bozeman Trail” and feature guest presenter Dave McKee.
The Bozeman Trail was established in 1863 as a 535-mile “shortcut” from the Oregon Trail on the North Platte River in Wyoming to the gold fields near Virginia City, Montana Territory.
Increased civilian use prompted a campaign by Indian tribes against the incursion. In response, the U.S. military established Forts Reno and Phil Kearny in Wyoming and C. F. Smith in Montana to protect travelers. The conflict escalated, resulting in what is commonly called “Red Cloud’s War” with numerous skirmishes and three major battles, including the Fetterman battle in 1866 and the Wagon Box and Hayfield fights in 1867.
Dave McKee will review the history of the Bozeman Trail between 1863 and 1868, highlighting prominent participants such as John Bozeman, Colonel Henry Carrington, Lieutenant William
Judd Fetterman, Margaret Carrington, Francis Grummond Carrington, and John “Portugee” Philips, as well as American Indian leaders including Red Cloud, High Backbone, American Horse, and Crazy Horse.
SCLT Explore History is free to attend and open to all. For more information, visit