SCSD#2 Board Welcomes New Members

At the Monday, December 2 meeting, School District #2 Board of Trustees welcomed the two new board members, Doug Moore and Jeff Tomlinson, who took their oath of office. There was also an election of officers for the board, with Shane Rader retaining the Chairmanship role; Anne Perkins voted in as Vice-Chair; Michael Lansing as Clerk; and Arin Waddell as Treasurer.
SHS principal Scott Cleland gave a presentation about Sheridan High School, and the fact that they were named #1 High School in Wyoming by USA today. Cleland talked about the teaching staff; the custodial staff that keeps the building looking like new; the kitchen staff that serves over 500 meals per day. He talked about the greenhouse and how it contributes to the schools in the district.
He added this about SHS students
There were several other acknowledgments, one was the SHS Football team 4A state championship, and Jeff Mowry as 4A West Coach of the Year.

Kasey Garnhart presented Jaeger Conrad with a WHSAA Good Sportsmanship award which he earned at the Sheridan vs Cheyenne East Tennis tournament in September. He also acknowledged Tanner Hamrick, who also received the award but was unable to attend the school board meeting.

Superintendent Scott Stults and Don Julian, former activities director, recognized a substantial donation from Janet Scott, of the Homer and Janet Scott Foundation.
He talked about the Scott Foundation purchasing the Holly Sugar property for the school, and the fact that the Janet donated $90,000 to allow the school to continue and push forward with the Fifth Street property.
Janet Scott added,
She received a standing ovation from the board and those attending the meeting.
In his superintendents report, Scott Stults talked about his first coffee with the superintendent, and said the next one will be held at the Hub on Smith on Wednesday Jan 15 from 11:30 to 1 p.m.
He also commended the principals of each school for their leadership. Saying that he had had conversations with them about their schools.
He added,
There was one speaker in the audience comments section, McKenna Mowry, an SHS Senior, who talked about making some of the students feel more welcome in SCSD#2 schools.
She said in spite of this, many of the students do experience negative comments from the other students. “I want us to have empathy for these students. I believe it is our job as a community to make Sheridan and SCSD#2 a safe and welcoming place for all students.” Mowry said.
In other business the board heard an update from the Sheridan Recreation district, and a Next Level update with Kristie Garriffa Dimitra Dugal, who reported to the board about the Parent Liaison program at SCSD#2.
Stults introduced Alex Mock, who gave an update on the Sheridan Recreation District and what they offer to the community.

Troy Decker gave updates and asked for board approval on several maintenance projects at the schools and greenhouses. He talked about reconstructing the tennis courts; updating the SHS and SJHS gym floors; SHS bleacher replacements and panel replacement at the Fifth Street Greenhouse. The panels were damaged by a hailstorm last summer. The board approved funds for all the above projects.
Brandon Finney, Business Manager, asked to board to approve the Memorial Fund Scholarship recommendations for 2025-2026 year, and the action was tabled until a later meeting. He also asked for approvable of funding for the abatement contract for the Fifth Street Greenhouse. Board approved both actions.
The board also approved to purchase a new multi-purpose vehicle.
The next meeting will be held on January 13 at 6 p.m.