WYO PLAY Story Slam Nov. 19

WYO PLAY is inviting those who can spin a yarn to the Story Slam at 7 p.m. Nov. 19, at the Lotus Café, located in the lobby of the Mars Black Box at the WYO Performing Arts and Education Center.
According to WYO PLAY founder and head teacher Grace Cannon-Wallace, a Story Slam is an open-mic style short storytelling competition. Storytellers will bring a five minute original story on the theme of Landmarks and sign up to compete and win cash prizes. A panel of judges will then score the stories with a strong suggestion to not exceed the five minute time limit.
Storytellers are encouraged to get creative when thinking about the theme Landmarks. Prepare a story about the places and points that plot our course. Meeting at the top of the Empire State Building, seeing the world’s largest ball of yarn, or returning to an ancestral home. Cannon-Wallace said they are wanting participants to tell a story about a time when they wished they had a road map, or an instance when they had to make a monumental choice, or returned to a place they hold dear.
Judges will only have time for 10 storytellers – the first 10 to sign up will be included in the lineup. Storytellers can arrive anytime after 6:15 p.m. to sign up. Audience members can come anytime to grab a seat and settle in for the 7 p.m. show time. The event is free and open to the public.
For additional information about the event, see