SCSD#2 Board of Trustees Met Monday

School District #2 Board of Trustees met on Monday, November 4, with a full agenda. SJHS and Wright Place were recognized. Principal Timm Cooper and assistant principal Jesse Swanke talked about the first months of school at their respective schools.
Trustee Wayne Schatz commented on how the Junior High School helps new students to fit into the new school.
Chad Rose, band director, recognized SHS Marching Band, which received a Superior Rating 2024.

In his report Superintendent Scott Stults shared some information about the ACT and WY-TOPP scores,

He talked about being more visible and more approachable to parents and the community.
Other dates will January 15, 11:30-1 p.m. at the Hub on Smith; on March 11 from 5:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Coffeen School; on May 8 at SJHS from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
He also added that they are contemplating adding a third preschool in SCSD#2 for 4 and 5 year old students.
Today, November 5, is election day, and Stults mentioned in his report on Monday night,
For two board trustees, Wayne Schatz and Mary Beth Evers, Monday’s meeting would be the last regular meeting in which they will sit on the board, but that will be another story.

Kristie Garriffa, assistant superintendent, talked about Sheridan being named as excellent as a Niche School in 2025. She also talked about the ACT and WyTop Scores for the district, saying SCSD#2 ranked second in Wyoming in ACT Scores.
Troy Decker, Director of Facilities, asked the board to approve a bid to In-Yark construction to replace the playground equipment at Story Elementary School. The board approved the bid and the replacement of the playground equipment.
Several community members spoke during the audience comments section as well.
Shelley and Harry Pollak talked to the board having Harry’s constitutional rights violated in 2022. “Almost three years later, a federal court saw fit to vindicate me and provide me a ruling in my favor,” Pollak said. He felt that the board had humiliated and slandered him. “I will close with the following demand, that this body provide a verbal apology tonight, and a written apology in the Sheridan Press immediately.”
Craig DeNatly said that he felt the three minute rule was too short for comments, and Ray Olson addressed the lawsuit from Pollak, saying it was a tempest in a teapot, and we should put it behind us and move on.
Jolene Olson said they supported the board. As a swim teacher at the YMCA, she stated that several of the youngsters she is teaching will one day be on the SHS swim team. She ended with this about the board.
The board also approved a revision to the 2024-2025 school calendar, moving John C. Schiffer graduation to Friday, May 23 to allow the graduates to use Sheridan College Kinnison Hall for the ceremony.