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Rabies Prevention Tips

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The Sheridan County Predator Management District and Sheridan County Public Health are reminding residents that Rabies virus is present in Sheridan County and that rabies prevention strategies exist to help residents reduce exposure to a deadly disease for themselves, their pets, and their livestock. According to a media release from the Board of Sheridan County Commissioners, as of May 22, nine skunks have tested positive for Rabies virus in Sheridan County. 

The Rabies virus can infect any mammal, including humans, cats, dogs, horses, and livestock, although skunks and bats are the primary hosts of the virus here in Sheridan County and throughout Wyoming. Transmission occurs primarily through a bite mark when infected saliva is introduced into the bite wound. Rabies virus infects and affects the brain, nervous tissues, and salivary glands of the host animal, inducing paralysis and ultimately death. 

Symptoms may include aggressive or agitated behavior, excessive drooling or saliva production, staggering gait, seizures, and other “not normal” animal mannerisms, although it should be noted that not all infected animals will display symptoms. Please do not attempt to handle or interact with suspicious animals. Within Sheridan County, report these animals to Paul Herman at the Sheridan Predator Management District by calling 307-751-1412. Within Sheridan City limits, please call the Sheridan Police Department Dispatch at 307-672-2413.

General tips for reducing exposure to Rabies virus include:

  • Observe and enjoy wildlife, especially bats and skunks, from a safe distance
  • Be wary of any animals acting unnatural or “out of sorts”, including usually nocturnal
    animals wandering around during the day, animals meandering aimlessly without regard
    to humans or other animals, or animals displaying aggressive behavior
  • Vaccinate dogs, cats, horses, and other selected livestock for Rabies and keep the
    vaccinations up-to-date, even good old McScratchy the Barn Cat…
  • Teach children to never approach unfamiliar dogs, cats, or wildlife, even if the animal
    appears friendly
  • People waking to find a bat in their room or a child’s room should contact a medical
    professional immediately. Bats have extremely small teeth and bite marks may go
    undetected; unknown or minor contact with bats has been known to lead to Rabies infection.
  • If the bat can be safely captured, it can be tested; and if tested negative, the
  • family could avoid painful and costly post-exposure Rabies shots
  • Treat all animal bites with soap and warm water. Contact a medical professional
    immediately. Document all available information about the suspicious animal and
    possible location
  • Never adopt wild animals or bring them into your home. Do not try to nurse sick or
    injured animals – call animal control for help
  • Keep pets under supervision or on a leash to minimize contact with wild animals
  • As a reminder, pets within Sheridan City limits should be on a leash unless contained
    within a fenced yard or in one of the many dog parks in town Animal vaccinations can help prevent pets, horses, and other livestock from contracting Rabies, and help protect pet owners should pets be bitten by a rabid wild animal. Rabies vaccination is important for both indoor and outdoor pets. Please contact your pet’s veterinarian for more information. It is also important to report animal bites, to humans or pets, to local animal control officials at the number listed below.
  • If you would like to report a suspicious animal within Sheridan City limits, please contact SPD Dispatch at 307-672-2413. Reporting of suspicious animals outside of Sheridan City limits should be directed to Paul Herman with the Sheridan Predator Management District at 307-751-1412. The Wyoming State Rabies hotline can be contacted at 1-888-996-9104. For more information, please visit the following websites or call Sheridan County Public Health
    at 307-672-5169:
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  1. Avatar photo

    Mike McLaughlin

    May 24, 2024 at 11:04 am

    Will there be a rabies clinic this year, or it no longer available?

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