Sheridan Memorial Hospital To Expand Emergency Department Entrance And Renovate Within

Expansion and renovation work will soon start within the Sheridan Memorial Hospital Emergency Department.
At last week’s meeting, the Hospital’s Board of Trustees approved expanding the Hospital Emergency Department Entrance.
The project will cost about $960,000, half of which is being provided by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, through a grant from the Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board.
Hospital CEO Mike McCafferty says the expansion would allow for patients to be categorized faster depending on the type of emergency they have.
“We can triage patients differently and get them more quickly into the care that they need. It gives us the ability to take that big waiting room area and reorient it, so that we can have the right space to be able to triage patients more effectively.”
The other project that was approved was a renovation project for the Emergency Department, which has been around for about 20 years.
McCafferty adds that work on both projects will start later this spring and take about 4-8 months to complete.