Arvada-Clearmont Students Attend Seed Starting Workshop

On Wednesday, April 17, Arvada-Clearmont elementary students joined Rooted in Wyoming at the Joe and Arlene Watt Regional Agriculture Center Greenhouse on the Sheridan College campus for a seed planting workshop.
“We brought the entire elementary,” A/C 5th and 6th Grade Teacher Jonathan Broersma said.

Ian Cannon-Wallace, Program and Outreach Coordinator at Rooted in Wyoming, explained what the workshop was about.
He talked about the benefits of fresh foods for the schools. He added that many schools in the Sheridan area are beginning to use local foods in their school lunch program.
He gave a talk to the students before the workshop started.
“The greenhouse is like a shortcut,” Cannon-Wallace said. “To get plants growing early. Isn’t that smart?” He talked about how fresh foods are more nutritious to eat to keep everyone healthy. “This is an important project, to us, we want you to eat fresh local foods. We work with a lot of schools to create school gardens.”

He talked about where the plants will go when they were large enough to transplant. He said that Carol and Bob LeResche, who own Clear Creek Valley Produce outside of Clearmont, would take care of the transplants.

There were three learning stations. The students learned about soil, seeds and worms. There were several volunteers who helped with the workshop.

Several other area schools have or are planning to attend the workshops that Rooted in Wyoming is hosting throughout the spring.