1 year agoon
Ron RichterWe continue our year-in-review today for Sheridan and Sheridan County with a look back at one of the top stories pertaining to the Sheridan County Commission. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
This past summer, Sheridan County Commissioner Allen Thompson announced his resignation from the board to accept the executive director position of the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police. At a special meeting in August, Commissioners failed to select a replacement to fill Thompson’s unexpired term on the commission. At the meeting, the Commission interviewed the three candidates that were recommended by the Sheridan County Republican Central Committee; Michael Arzy, Bryan Helferich, and Holly Jennings. Commission Chairwoman Christi Haswell explains what happened on their decision to not select one of the three candidates.
Haswell said those in attendance included members of the Sheridan County Republican Central Committee who made the recommendations of the three candidates.
The Commissioner’s decision to not select one of the three candidates led to the matter being addressed in Fourth Judicial District Court. In an order issued on September 14, District Court Judge Darci Phillips announced she had appointed Holly Jennings to fill the vacancy on the Board of County Commissioners. Jennings will serve the remainder of Thompson’s unexpired term, which is through 2024. The seat will be up for grabs during next year’s general election in November.
Dennis Fox
December 30, 2023 at 3:18 pm
The four commissioners failed to fill the vacancy, because they deliberately Failed to follow the Law. The law says they “Shall” select a replacement from the list provided by the Republican Party. The Four commissioners Failed to do so. They also failed to follow proper voting procedures under Robert’s Rule. The Four Failed commissioners failed the voters and citizens of Sheridan County and (the “Four”) should be removed ASAP. If we can’t trust them to read the rules and follow the Law…..we can’t Trust them.