Sheridan’s Hi-Tech Business Park To Expand

Sheridan’s Hi-Tech Business Park on the city’s north side could soon double in size.
After exploring their options, the Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority (SEEDA), has decided to pursue acquiring land on the other side of Yellowtail Drive from where the current business park is located.
The current park, which is nearly full, is about 43 acres, and the land that SEEDA is pursuing would be about another 45.
SEEDA Administrator Robert Briggs explains why the choice was made, and why another proposal near the new Story House Village area was passed on.
“It was a question of how quickly that SEEDA could move forward with the Yellowtail Drive Property vs. some of the other items that they would need to wait for on the Story House property and the acquisition costs of the property.”
Briggs adds SEEDA is now looking into acquiring state grant funding to purchase the land as well as cover infrastructure and site development costs.