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New Vehicle Maintenance Shop Should Be More Efficient For WY Army National Guard

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The Sheridan branch of the Wyoming Army National Guard soon won’t have to wait long when their vehicles need maintenance.

Ground has been broken on the Guard’s new 31-thousand foot plus vehicle maintenance shop (VMS), which is located on the south side of the armory, next to the southwest corner of the Sheridan College campus.

For some time, the Guard has had to take vehicles that needed maintenance to the VMS in Lovell, and the guard had been looking around the Sheridan area to build a new shop before settling on their current plan.

Colonel James Ezell is the facilities manager of the Wyoming Military Department.  

He says when finished the shop will have three-to-four maintenance bays, which will move things along at a faster pace. 

Colonel James Ezell

“With the space available that we’re going to have with this new VMS, we’re really going to be able to really rotate a lot more vehicles in and out of the facility and really increase our up tempo of how we get maintenance identified and get it done and get those vehicles back in the hands of the soldiers.”

Colonel Ezell says he anticipates the shop should be ready for use sometime in the second half of 2025.

Kevin Koile – Sheridan Media
Kevin Koile – Sheridan Media
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