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WY US Representative Harriet Hageman Hosts Town Hall Meetings In Sheridan And Buffalo

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Wyoming’s lone representative in the US House is making her way around the Cowboy State to talk to the people, and this week she visited the North-Central part of the State.

Republican Harriet Hageman held a town hall meeting in Sheridan Wednesday night (March 15th) and held one in Buffalo the night before (March 14th).

She took questions and made statements about a wide variety of issues pertaining to both Wyoming and the country.

While she has gone around to about one-third of the state so far, she says the topics at most of the town hall meetings have been similar, which shows how united Wyoming is.

Harriet Hageman

“They have questions about money going to the Ukraine and what our end goal is there. They have questions about our spending and our budget. There are questions about China buying up farmland in the United States. There are questions about the social issues. The issues we talked about with the sexualization of our children as an example. So I think that what we talked about is pretty similar to what I’ve heard at other town halls, which is people are concerned about the future of our Republic and making sure that we can protect our country from forces both inside and outside that want to do us damage and harm.”

Hageman has scheduled two more town hall meetings Thursday, March 16th, before she heads back to Washington.

She is scheduled to be in Ten Sleep at 10am, and in Greybull at 5:30pm.



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    Fred Osborn

    March 16, 2023 at 8:20 am

    Ye reap what ye sow.

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    March 16, 2023 at 10:32 am

    Finally we hear from her. She needs a new communications director to keep us informed of what she is doing in Washington.

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    mark steingass

    March 16, 2023 at 11:41 am

    Granted it’s always good to talk about our own American “end goals”…Hageman mentions the Ukraine for example…In order to gain a more accurate perspective consider that Putin along with other autocratic hard liners from various other “axis of evil” countries are cold blooded murderers it’s also good to talk about their intended “end goals” too…

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    mike duncan

    March 16, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    poor liz cheney… i hear her next job will be a co-host on THE VIEW.

    Good job Wyoming–thank you for flushing the toilet…..

    This lady seem sharp.

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    Dennis Fox

    March 16, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    Good woman, doing a good job for the vast majority of people in Wyoming. She listens to us and she “gets” us.
    Wyoming is one of the most sensible, conservative states in America. And we intend to keep it that way!

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      Mark Steingass

      March 17, 2023 at 12:11 pm

      reply to dennis fox…harriet hageman is very green behind the ears at this moment of being an elected Wyo representative,…her statement about the Ukraine was a “double shot of vanilla”…since the republican party is “pro-life” I am interested to hear what the GOP will have to say about international “child trafficking” of Ukrainian children into Russia…granted we are considering Ukrainian children not American children however can the GOP turn a blind eye to freedom and basic human rights?

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    Dennis Fox

    March 17, 2023 at 4:12 pm

    A European border dispute is a European problem, not ours. Taking money out of our treasury, when we’re beyond broke (31 trillion in debt) is non-sensical. Starting WW3 over who governs Crimea is absurd. We have our own child trafficking problems, at our un-secured southern border, that needs attention. It should be “America First”, not Europe first.

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