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Kinskey’s Opinion on Freedom Caucus

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Following the Wyoming State Legislature’s closing of their session last Friday, State Senator Dave Kinskey discussed a number of topics from the session, including his take on the Freedom Caucus.

He talked about what they are and how it came about.

Kinskey said those on the other side of the aisle from the Freedom Caucus would say that they are radical, there’s no dealing with them and no compromising with them.

Kinskey said he can’t blame or hang anything on the Freedom Caucus any more than he can on those that opposethem.

According to Kinskey, the Freedom Caucus is just trying to do the job the best they can for the people that elected them to do so, just like everyone else in the legislature.



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    mark steingass

    March 7, 2023 at 1:47 am

    …Over the years Kinskey brand “Kool-Aid” has been sold in many “flavors” while this years “flavor” currently being marketed is called “nilla”…

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    Fred Osborn

    March 7, 2023 at 8:03 am

    The Freedom Caucus is nothing more than a propaganda machine to spread “trumped up” information. Little wonder why this country is so divided and fixing to blow like a boiler with the pressure relief valve tied down.Sheep beware.

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    Ray Olson

    March 7, 2023 at 9:37 am

    The “Freedom (for straight white males) Caucus” doesn’t care what the majority of people want or need- they only care about promoting White Male hegemony in the face of the rising wind of a multi-racial society. And the fact that Kinsky opposes Medicaid expansion because of his personal beliefs and supports his stand by promoting the misinformation that it hasn’t worked in Montana (in fact the expansion has saved Montana 10’s of millions of dollars). Under the circumstance I can only conclude that Kinskey is closer to Bouchard and company than he would like us to believe.

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      mark steingass

      March 7, 2023 at 4:00 pm

      reply to Ray Olson…new leadership is needed

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    Mike McLaughlin

    March 7, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    And now the NYC Mayor, is putting out the directive asking residents to please NOT wear “the muzzle” upon entering places of business………. You can’t make this stuff up folks! Lol!

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      mark steingass

      March 8, 2023 at 9:30 am

      reply to mike mclaughlin…How do you argue with loss of freedom? If we do not “stand tall” and object the continued loss of freedom will continue to be a “slippery slope”…voter ID’s now required, abortion restriction legislation, so called Liberal “woke” literature banned, unmasking before entry into a business…will the Freedom Caucus also stand behind any business owner who may require an ID for entrance into their place of business…No Shirt, No Shoes, No ID, no admittance…need a few groceries…show your ID at the front entrance…the freedom caucus is a can of worms…time for new leadership

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