2 years agoon
When WYDOT snow plow operators are out and about, pushing snow off of various highways, they have to follow certain priorities and not just plow any road they want to at any time.
Most roads and highways have an average daily traffic count.
The higher the number, the higher that road is on the snowplow priority list.
Since Interstate 80 in southern Wyoming has the highest traffic numbers, it gets 24 hour service when needed.
Interstate 90 and most of interstate 25, get about 20 hours of service a day.
Mark Gillett is the WYDOT Chief Engineer in Cheyenne and explains why that is.
“There may be a little bit less snow plowing done in the middle of the night, but then there’s very few travelers out during that time period, so we schedule our snowplows when people are out there typically driving.”
Gillett adds that roads near the bottom of the priority list will usually get plowed before school starts and again shortly before school is out for the day.