2 years agoon
Aaron PalmerThe Buffalo City Council heard the annual report from the Buffalo Trails Board on the past year and for plans during the coming year, from Tim Cahhal, chairman of the board.
He talked about money received from a private company to help with trails projects.
Cahhal said the board and the crew are working together on the Wyoming Recreation Grant that if awarded to them, they can return for the next three years to work on the trails for a small fraction of the original cost to bring them in.
He said the trail system has recently seen year-round usage, not just in the warmer months.
Projects the trails board worked on included the installation of a swing gate on the trail near the Veterans Home of Wyoming and the removal of dead Russian Olive trees and light maintenance on the Eva Knepper spur.
The board has started an Adopt-a-Trail program which he said has also helped with trail maintenance and cleanup, and asked the council members to become part of the program.
He said the board wants to be involved with the South Bypass trail when it comes to the planning stages, as well as on the proposed North Trail System on French Creek, Rock Creek and Johnson Creek Roads.
He also said the Master Trails Plan, completed in 2008, is in need of an upgrade and asked the council to consider working on that in the near future.