First Day Hike at Fort Phil Kearny

The First Day Hike at Fort Phil Kearny was well attended by around 30 people, who came to start the New Year out with a mile-long hike around the parade ground. The day was cloudy but mild, with a temperature of around 40 degrees.

Linley Mayer, educator at Fort Phil Kearny, talked to the crowd about the hike.
Mayer also talked briefly about the fort, giving a history of why it was here. She said that after the Civil War, John Bozeman opened a route from Laramie to the Montana gold fields. The indigenous people didn’t like the encroachment on their lands, so the forts, like Fort Phil Kearny, were built to protect the gold seekers along the trail.

Following the talk Mayer led the group to the parade ground for the hike. Three laps around the parade ground were approximately a mile. Several people in the group took the longer hike up pilot knob.

Buffalo residents Shane and Linda Wilson said this was the first time going on the First Day Hike here at the fort.
Mayer said that there were nine state historic sites in the state, and most hold the first day hikes. She felt it was a great way to start the New Year. She added that there was a hike at the Kendrick Mansion earlier in the day. She also used to lead the first day hikes at Fort Bridger for several years. She said that these hikes are fun way to have the community come out, visit and enjoy the outdoors on the first day of the new year.

Refreshments were served after the hike.
There are several other events planned at the fort for the summer months. One project planned is a ‘star party’ in July. There will be flyers, announcements on Facebook and here on about the upcoming events.