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G&F Confirms Chronic Wasting Disease in Elk Hunt Area 33

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The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has confirmed the presence of chronic wasting disease in Elk Hunt Area 33. 

The disease was detected in a hunter-harvest bull elk in October. 

Elk Hunt Area 33 is located southwest of Kaycee in southwestern Johnson County and is bordered by four areas previously detected CWD in elk. 

To the north CWD was detected in Hunt Areas 34 and 129 in 2015 and 2021, respectively. 

In 2017 CWD was detected in Hunt Area 48 to the west, and in 2022 it was found in Hunt Area 49 to the northwest. 

The Centers for Disease Control recommends hunters do not consume any animal that is obviously ill or tests positive for CWD.

Continued monitoring of CWD over time is important to help Game and Fish understand the potential impacts of the disease as well as evaluate future management actions for deer and elk.

A map of CWD endemic areas is available here.

The disease is 100% fatal to deer, elk and moose that have been infected.

In 2021 Game and Fish personnel tested 6,947 CWD lymph node samples from deer and elk — primarily submitted by hunters —  and continue to evaluate new recommendations for trying to manage the disease.



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    Mark Joseph Steingass

    November 8, 2022 at 9:50 am

    …need to get this CWD under control…with thousands of dollars and incredible effort invested by hunters in any big game hunt there should be no obstacle in consumption of any harvest…

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    Debbie Davis

    November 8, 2022 at 10:31 am

    I hope Game & Fish alert the person who harvests an infected animal right away before they have a chance to ingest the meat!

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