Snowpack Levels In Sheridan County For Winter 2021-2022 Season Above Normal

The rain and snow systems that have passed through Sheridan County in each of the past two weekends have improved snowpack numbers for the area.
For the first time this year, the overall snow-water content in the Big Horn Mountains within Sheridan County is above average.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, as of May 1st, sites where the snowpack is measured reported anywhere from 93% of average at Bald Mountain, to 192% at Tie Creek.
Overall the Tongue River Drainage is at 125% of average, and the Clear Creek Drainage is at 113%.
Those numbers are up from 81% and 72% respectively 1 month ago.
Compared to this time last year, the Tongue River is up 121%, while Clear Creek is up 110%.
Despite the new numbers, the National Drought and Mitigation Center still lists the lower elevations of Sheridan County, as well as most of Johnson County, and parts of Campbell County as areas under extreme drought.
This includes the cities of Sheridan, Buffalo and Gillette.
The higher elevations in the Big Horn Mountains are labeled as severe drought areas.
Click here to see the drought monitor map (updated each Thursday).