Asbestos Removal Within Acme Power Plant Remains A Goal For Sheridan County Conservation District

Now that the money’s available, plans can soon be made to remove a dangerous cancer causing mineral within the Old Acme Power Plant.
Recently the Sheridan County Conservation District was awarded a $585,000 cleanup grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for asbestos abatement within the old power plant buildings.
Normally the maximum award for a grant from the EPA is $500,000, but the Conservation District was able to get a cap waiver.
District Manager Carrie Rogaczewski says not only does the asbestos need to be removed for health reasons, but once they get rid of it, who knows what else they’ll find.
“Now we have some funding to be able to address the asbestos in the building which will allow us to look more closely at what other issues in there need to be addressed and to begin that process of cleaning the other pieces up out there and start making some progress.”
Rogaczewski adds a time table for asbestos removal has not yet been set, because the district is awaiting cost estimates from contractors.