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Grand Teton NP September 2021 Numbers Were 2nd Busiest September On Record

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Tourists were out in numbers during the month of September at Grand Teton National Park, but not as many as last year.

The park reports there were an estimated 570,584 recreational visits in September 2021.

That’s a 10% decrease compared to September 2020, but enough to be the second busiest September on record.

Park staff are analyzing data and studies conducted over the summer to better understand changing visitation trends in Grand Teton.

Historically, July and August have been the busiest months of the year at the park.

Recent trends include increased visitation in the spring and fall.

Grand Teton park staff initiated several studies this summer regarding changing visitation, including visitor-use and experience studies at Colter Bay, Taggart and Lupine Meadows trailheads.

These studies surveyed visitors in these areas to gain a better understanding of visitor demographics, visitor expectations, and more. 

Researchers also placed a variety of vehicle movement monitoring equipment in the park through mid-August.

Most facilities within the park have closed for the season.

The Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center as well as the main road within the park are scheduled to close for the winter on November 1st, and will not reopen until May 1st of next year.

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