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Kayla Sutton talks about what her future looks like after graduating

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Kayla Sutton, a double major, graduated from Sheridan College this weekend.

Sutton recently graduated as a double major in health science and theatre and dance.  Sutton, was born and raised in Billings, Montana. She recently moved to Sheridan two years ago. She has been dancing ballet since the age of 3. The more time progressed, Sutton began to really chase after her dreams. Her lifelong dream involves dance and pursuing her passions. She has 18 years of dance and performance background.

According to Sutton, she is interested in exploring what dance opportunities are available to her in the future and pursuing a career in politics, specializing in ideology and political theory. Many students were impacted by the pandemic, and Sutton discusses her personal experience with what it was like attending college in the middle of a pandemic. “The first semester was really strong, really great. I was working on shows and productions, everything that comes with theatre and dance. When the pandemic happened, we had to go completely online, which became very difficult in comparison to the visual, in person experience.” “We tried to make the most of it and do the best we could, but it was not nearly as equivalent to in person classes.” states Sutton. Due to COVID restrictions, Sutton did not have the opportunity to tour universities she partook interest in. Sutton shares more details.


She talked about her goals for the future, including her summer plans to travel. Now that travel bans have been lifted and things are beginning to open back up, Sutton has the opportunity to visit the schools she had originally been planning on touring. Upon interview, Sutton shares what schools she is interested in.

K. Sutton

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