Sheridan College to host virtual career fair

Sheridan College’s Spring Career and Network Fair will be virtual this year.
A joint effort of Sheridan College, the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services and the Sheridan VA Health Care System, the fair will be April 27 and 28.
As in years past, the event will include sessions with employers, but employers must register to participate. More information on the career fair and how to register is available through the Sheridan College Career Fair page on Facebook.
Those who attend the career fair can learn about area businesses and employment opportunities available, and can ask questions of participating employers. Employers can use the fair to fill part-time and full-time jobs, internships, co-op opportunities and seasonal jobs.
The fair will be set up through Zoom sessions.
For information on how to register as an attendee, visit the Facebook page at To register for employer sessions, attendees are encouraged to set up an email account if they don’t already have one.
Employers who want to participate in the career fair are asked to call (307) 675-0105.