Rothfuss calls across-the-board cut ‘unconstitutional’

Senator Chris Rothfuss, who’s a member of the Senate Education Committee, argued against an across-the-board cut to relieve a looming crisis in education funding this week, saying such a measure would be “unconstitutional.”
Rothfuss made his comments during discussion of House Bill 61, the education recalibration bill, in the education committee’s meeting earlier this week.
Senator Charles Scott, education committee chair, brought the recalibration bill before the committee for review, saying recalibration needs to happen this year. Josh Anderson with the Legislative Services Office said in 2022 and beyond, legislators are looking at a $300 million shortfall in education funding.
Rothfuss said there are measures the Legislature can take to cut education spending that are constitutional.
Rothfuss said an across-the-board cut in educational spending will not be viewed in Wyoming court as cost-based, because it isn’t cost-based.
Senator Scott brought the recalibration bill before the Senate committee for information only, and no action was taken.