Traffic Control Planned for Arrowhead Bowl Sledding Area

Due to reported injuries, close calls, and complaints from forest visitors, Bighorn National Forest officials are adding traffic control measures to the popular sledding hill locally known as the Bowl. The intent is to help prevent unintentional conflicts between people on sleds and motorized vehicles. Officials want to thank all those that emailed or commented on the Forest’s social media posts. Those comments were very helpful and influenced this decision.
“We heard from a variety of opinions, ranging from those that don’t want the area to change to those that want it closed to motorized use entirely because they don’t feel comfortable going there,” said Amy Ormseth, Tongue District Ranger. “Our attempt to balance all these valid concerns is to put in traffic controls.”
An area to allow for sledding will be designated for non-motorized activities only. One-way traffic lanes around the outside of the area will be delineated to accommodate motorized vehicles associated with towing or bringing people back up the hill. The difference to previous years will be that vehicles won’t be able to drive in the same location as people coming down the hill on sleds. There will be no change to the motorized over-snow vehicle trail adjacent to the area.
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