Brinton Halloween extravaganza to look a little different this year

The Brinton Museum’s annual Halloween extravaganza, Things That Go Bump in the Night, is on again this year, but because of COVID-19, the event will look a little different this year.
That’s according to Barbara McNab, curator and director of education at the museuim in Big Horn.
The event will be on Oct. 31, from 2-4 p.m., and McNab said it will be an outdoor scavenger hunt on the lawn and in outdoors areas.
The Brinton has been hosting the extravaganza since 2014.
The event is for families, and children and youth of all ages. Admission is free, and McNab said when the participants find all of the items in the scavenger hunt, they bring everything back to the Helen Brinton Education Pavilion where they’ll pick up their treats.
She said the young scavenger hunters are “totally encouraged” to come in costumes for the event.