Lone Star Fire could become more active in next few days

A combination of warm temperatures and low relative humidity could cause the Lone Star Fire in Yellowstone National Park to become more active in the next few days.
According to the park’s public affairs office, smoke and a widespread haze may be visible in the area through the end of this week as smoke from the fire mixes with smoke from fires along the West Coast.
The Grand Loop Road between Old Faithful and West Thumb is currently open, but it could be closed at any time due to smoke and low visibility.
Trails and campsites in the Shoshone Lake and Lone Star Geyser area are closed, and the Fern Cascades Trail is closed for fire operations.
According to authorities, fire activity in the western United States has created high demand for firefighting resources, and the nation is currently at the highest level of fire activity and demand for resources.
Fire danger in the Yellowstone area remains very high, and campfires are not allowed in the backcountry. Authorities say that, currently, all entrances to Yellowstone are open.