A Look Back in Time: Aug.4, 1920

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on Aug. 4, 1920.
The contract has been completed for the appearance in Sheridan of daring aviator Bert Cole, for three days during the county fair. The contract followed a conference between Cole’s manager and Dr. William Frackelton of the fair committee.
Whirligig, a spinning horse owned by one of the Brockett boys on the east fork of Hanging Woman creek, will be brought to the county fair in Sheridan in the hope that someone will be found who will be able to ride him.
Work is progressing rapidly on the new grain elevators and new plant that the Denio Milling company is building south of the sugar factory. The new plant is to replace the establishment destroyed by fire last year.