Goose Creek Transit resumes fixed-route service

Goose Creek Transit will resume operations of the Sheridan Shuttle fixed-route service on Monday.
Steve Ainsley, who’s transportation director for the transit service, said Goose Creek has been providing door-to-door service since May 5, but hadn’t resumed the fixed route. He said the fixed route runs a circuit around Sheridan.
He said the round trip takes about 55 minutes. When the bus reaches The Hub on Smith, there’s a five-minute layover, then the bus starts again.

Several changes have been implemented to minimize exposure of the driver and passengers to COVID-19, including a limit of four riders at a time to maintain social distancing. Ainsley said if passengers at a shuttle stop exceed the four-passenger limit, a second shuttle will be called.
All riders are encouraged to wear face masks that properly cover the nose and mouth, and those with symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to please not ride the vehicle.
In addition, high-contact surfaces in the buses will be disinfected hourly, and all surfaces will be disinfected nightly.
Routes and time schedules will remain the same as before service was discontinued, and the ride is still fare free.
Ainsley said the schedule is published and can be picked up on Goose Creek Transit buses or from a number of businesses around town.