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Gnome Around Downtown a successful venture

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Downtown Sheridan Association Executive Director Ziola Perry and Boardmemeber Kristin Herbst made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the success of the new Gnome Around Downtown program. 

Designed to be a unique fun experience for shoppers in Sheridan’s downtown, the program is a bit of a scavenger hunt.

Those wishing to search for the gnomes began by picking up a gnome card from a participating business, then set out to find as many gnomes as possible. Each store had a hidden gnome somewhere in their merchandise. 

Z. Perry

Each of the DSA gift baskets was awarded to those individuals who found the most gnomes. But no one found every gnome.

Perry said Gnome Around Downtown will return next year, but the DSA is analyzing public and business feedback which may lead the contest to run for more than one day.   

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