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Johnson County Seeks Input for 2025 Land Use Plan Update

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Johnson County is in the process of reviewing and updating their Land Use Plan, and is asking for public input to help guide development in the county over the next 10 to 15 years.

According to a release from County Planner Jim Waller, the intent of the survey is to understand what the county’s priorities should be and will help identify topics to focus on in the plan.

The Johnson County Land Use Plan will serve as the basis for development decision and guidance, economic development, quality residential growth and general improvements to ensure the county is home to vibrant communities for residents and businesses.

When complete, the plan will recommend goals and policies for how the county achieves the community’s vision.

Residents are asked to take the time to fill out the survey no later than March 15, either on the plan website or by filling out a paper survey available at the County Clerk’s office in the historic courthouse.

We have provided a link to the plan website here:

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