5 months agoon
Sheridan Police Department Chief Travis Koltisk and Captain Tom Ringley made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to give some safety tips while navigating the first day of Sheridan County School District #2.
The first day for SCSD#2 students is Tuesday, Aug. 27, and the SPD Chief said officers will be present and patrolling the school zones throughout the city, including private schools and the college, to ensure students are safe and offer any assistance to the community.
Chief T. Koltiska
Captain Ringley echoed the Chief’s remarks, stating there is no greater priority for the PD than protecting the safety and welfare of the city’s schools.
Traffic will be congested in school zones and parents will have to shift schedules getting students dropped off and heading onto jobs. Ringley said he has suggested it many times, but it remains true that the simple act of getting everyone out the door a little early, can save a lot of headache later.
Capt. T. Ringley
SPD officers patrol all school zones and conduct mandatory random visits to every school in Sheridan to ensure student safety.
Before the beginning of the year, ensure your child knows their home address and contact number for a parent. Travel the route to school from your home with your child, making a game of finding landmarks they can easily identify. And if possible, visit their classroom before the beginning of classes.
Many experts agree that establishing a positive morning routine and schedule then sticking to it helps to not only prepare students of all ages for productive days in class but also getting out the front on time.
The SPD Chief will visit a school the first morning of classes to identify himself and welcome students back.
SPD reminds all drivers to adhere to school zone speed limits and to remain alert for children while driving in not only school zones but neighborhoods during the morning and afternoon as some children learn their new routes.