VOA Takes Steps to Protect Clients, Staff and Communities

Volunteers of American Northern Rockies has announced a number of steps taken during the past month to help protect the organization’s clients, staff and their communities.
Those include monitoring temperatures of all residential treatment clients twice a day, along with COVID-19 screenings and taking temperatures of all clients, staff, essential volunteers and vendors serving residential programs as soon as they enter VOA residential facilities.
The VOA has restricted visitors to the residential programs, including a freeze on all program tours. Where possible, case management for non-residential programs is being completed via phone.
A news release from the organization states that the VOA executive team meets daily, and an Operations COVID Response Team of key leaders in the organization is in place and meets regularly to share information. The VOA is also in regular contract with, and receives support from, Public Health, and works collaboratively to best serve clients.
According to the release, staff and clients are taking the COVID-19 pandemic in stride, and the VOA is more than ever committed to serving those in need.
Technology has allowed staff to work remotely where possible and allows clients and staff to connect virtually. Clients are also using technology for Bible studies, chapel services, AA and NA meetings, outside recovery meetings, family calls and even GED education classes.