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WY Secretary Of State Warns About Third Party Involvement In Elections

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Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray sent a letter to Wyoming’s 23 county clerks warning and cautioning against the rise in efforts and tactics used by third parties to fund the administration of elections across the country.

“As Wyoming’s 23 county clerks continue to prepare for the 2024 Election, I am writing to warn and caution against any attempts made by third parties to fund the administration of elections in Wyoming,”

Secretary Gray wrote in the letter. “This is especially imperative, given the influx of millions of dollars to initiatives, including the deceptively-named ‘U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence,’ that have set their sights and misleading tactics on local elections offices across the country.”

In his letter, Secretary Gray went on to note that “the source of funding for many of these new efforts range from partisan groups to potentially foreign actors living here in Wyoming. With the ever-changing landscape of new entities pushing their agendas on elections administrators nationwide, local elections officials are ata growing risk of these foreign influences should they accept funding in any way.”

In a separate statement, Secretary Gray reiterated his concern that foreign actors may be able to exploit existing laws to improperly influence election administration.

“I find it deeply disturbing that private entities have been working to influence election administration nationwide, and could also be used as a conduit for foreign actors to improperly influence American election administration. I am also disturbed that Wyoming remains especially vulnerable given our lack of a statutory ban on private funding of election administration. This is why our office is leading the charge in Wyoming to ensure county clerks are aware of the complexity of strategies used to strong arm election administration, and to ensure that Wyoming adopts a ban on private funding of election administration. Under our administration, we will work to make sure private funding of election administration and foreign influence have no place in the Cowboy State.”

In response to the partisan risks associated with the rise in private funding of election administration, 25 states have enacted legislation which bans or otherwise restricts private funding of elections.

Wyoming law does not currently prohibit or restrict private funding of elections.

During the Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee meeting in May, Secretary Gray asked the committee to draft legislation to address this concern, which will be up for consideration at the committee’s next meeting in Douglas on August 24th.

Click here to read Secretary Gray’s letter



  1. Avatar photo

    John Merrell Bolen

    August 16, 2023 at 2:12 pm

    If Gray told me the sky is blue, I would not believe him. Isn’t he a traitor like Tucker and Trump and all of the Republicans?

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      Dennis Fox

      August 22, 2023 at 3:45 pm

      The sky is blue on many days in Wyoming. You should believe truth when it is presented. And the real traitor is the current, part-time “resident” who’s taken millions of dollars from foreign/adversarial gov’ts. The truth is coming out and the evidence, like bank records, shell corps and eye-witness testimony will continue to mount.

  2. Avatar photo

    Dennis Fox

    August 16, 2023 at 3:55 pm

    Secretary Grey is an honorable man of the highest integrity. He’s trying to prevent a repeat of the felonies committed by Zuckerbucks. His half-Billion dollar buying and stealing of 2020 and 2022 elections was the biggest election fraud/heist in US History. The real traitors are obviously the Bite-me/Billery/Oldbongo crime families. Talk about RICO!

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      Harriett Oleson

      August 17, 2023 at 12:53 pm

      Well Mr.Fox: you certainly have mastered the Trump lingo. No facts, proof or thinking, just 3rd grade name calling. WoW !!

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        Dennis Fox

        August 17, 2023 at 3:48 pm

        Well Ms. Oleson, it seems you’re 100% ad hominem attacks are back. You offer no counter to the widely-reported facts, that Zuckerberg tilted many state elections, with up to half a billion dollars spent on funding democrat voting. No counter to the widely known corruption of all democrat presidents, going back generations and continuing to this day. No ma’am your post only attacks me as a person. And here I thought that type of “attacks against the man” were prohibited on this website. Guess not, but glad to see you’re still around and trolling. I was beginning to wonder if you were still with us. Be well and I’m happy to discuss “facts”, anytime you offer any.

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          Harriett Oleson

          August 18, 2023 at 5:58 am

          Mr. Fox I guess my posts bring out the inner Mr. Fox, for all to see, mission accomplished. However, don’t worry I will NOT get down in the name calling gutter with you and trump. Have a good day!

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            Dennis Fox

            August 18, 2023 at 2:59 pm

            Ms. Oleson I guess my posts bring out the inner forced-fluoride-fascist in you. Still sore we restored the right to choose pure water in Sheridan, I guess. Imposing ones will on others is best done in authoritarian countries, not in America. Good day!

  3. Avatar photo

    Clark Guelde

    August 16, 2023 at 6:26 pm

    What third parties have funded elections? Where? And when did they do so?

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      Dennis Fox

      August 17, 2023 at 4:39 pm

      Mark Zuckerberg spent almost half a Billion dollars funding democrat “get out the vote” efforts to swing election results in key states. And that’s just one of many efforts we know about, along with about 90% of the biased media. Sec. Gray is trying to prevent a similar type of election fraud in Wyoming. Hats off to this moral and ethical truth-crusader of a Secretary. Cuz our world may just come un-glued, if it happens again in 2024!

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        Clark Guelde

        August 18, 2023 at 9:07 am

        I can’t see that a “get out the vote” drive is a third party funding an election.

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          Dennis Fox

          August 18, 2023 at 3:05 pm

          That’s exactly how they did it. They set up the third-party funding of elections by using a bogus “get-out-the-vote” scam. Most people couldn’t “see” it either. But it worked and tilted the elections to Stalinist Joe…er Mr. Bob L. Peters, in several key swing states. Only 45,000 total votes, in four key states swung the election to the dumbs. America has never had a more corrupt gov’t, than we have today.

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