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Senator Barrasso Discusses NATO Summit

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U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) recently addressed a number of topics during an interview on Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream. Senator Barrasso was asked about President Joe Biden’s trip to the NATO Summit in Lithuania.

Senator John Barrasso

On getting Ukraine the weapons they need – Barrasso said that it is important that NATO stay together and we act in unity and that NATO has to be held accountable and do more, as the U.S. cannot shoulder the burden alone, nor should we.



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    Dennis Fox

    July 12, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    Putin will stop when the US and Nato stop trying to put Ukraine into Nato. That would put US weapons within minutes of Moscow. That’s just as intolerable to Russia as Russian weapons in Cuba were to America in 1962. Too bad we don’t have a President Kennedy in office to save us from WW3.

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      Ray Olson

      July 15, 2023 at 3:14 pm

      Hello- The Baltic states, Finland, Poland, the addition of Ukraine has no real impact on the tactical situation. The true situation is that Putin is using the same game plan of every authoritarian regime from the Pharohs to Hitler. The economy is in shambles, unrest is growing, so declare that some country you know you can defeat (like Poland) is a threat, invade and depend on your Bund members and Quislings to keep the allies off your back. Putin failed to execute the plan in 2 ways, he picked a country he couldn’t over run (remember, the Russians were stopped outside Kyve before the arms were in Ukraine) and Tucker Carlson is no Father Caughlin. Admittedly a very compressed version but accurate.

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    mark steingass

    July 13, 2023 at 9:07 am

    Because of Joe Biden the NATO and Nordic security alliance has never been stronger…Ronald Reagan once stated “peace through strength” Barrasso is correct that the USA should not “shoulder the burden alone” in the defense of NATO and the Ukraine

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      mike duncan

      July 13, 2023 at 1:15 pm

      ROFLMAO–Biden missed dinner because he was too old and feeble to make a full days work. That shows strenght??? He is noting more than an embarrassment being let by the hand by King Charles. My God..cant you people be honest for once! 71 percent of USA thinks the country is on the wrong track…. the endless lies from DEMS is destroying the country….

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    Dennis Fox

    July 13, 2023 at 3:35 pm

    I always prefer to evaluate the big picture. So, I commend President Biden for NOT letting Ukraine join Nato, right now. He correctly stated that doing so would immediately trigger WW3. However, by his additional statement that Ukraine would “someday” be admitted; he was saying we’ll start WW3 “someday” in the future. That’s not a comforting thought and will most likely drive Putin to just absorb All of Ukraine. They can’t join Nato if they no longer exist. Let’s do the right thing, for once, and never let Ukraine into Nato, thus triggering WW3. For the first time in over a hundred years, how about we stay out of European border disputes. They always end in World War?

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