Governor Gordon: ‘We Should Focus on Wyoming Solutions to Wyoming Problems’

Governor Mark Gordon addressed both bodies of the Wyoming Legislature at the conclusion of the 2023 General Session. Gordon, during a media conference Tuesday, reiterated what he told lawmakers this past Friday at the close of the session.
Gordon said Wyoming’s economy is the most diverse it’s been in 50 years, which is a testament to the fact that Wyoming is growing and becoming more of an economic powerhouse beyond just energy.

Dennis Fox
March 9, 2023 at 4:12 pm
Rising inflation and sky-high property taxes are “Wyoming problems”. The Governor can easily solve the problem by signing an executive order to make all residential property owners over age 65, exempt. Stroke of a pen, tax relief! And the only ones who might object are gov’t tax collectors. Let ’em bring suit against senior citizens and see how well that plays in the media. It’s called bold leadership. Something we sometimes lack.
Fred Osborn
March 10, 2023 at 8:37 am
People born and raised in Wyoming should get property tax relief…as long as they are not stinking rich. Newcomers can pay more….or go back where they belong.
mike duncan
March 10, 2023 at 10:30 am
i am not lawyer but that sounds kinda unconstitutional ..oh wait, dems dont care about the constitution… .LET THEM EAT CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dennis Fox
March 10, 2023 at 1:06 pm
Where one is born is an immutable characteristic, just like gender and race. To have a different property tax rate based on an un-changeble trait, is the very definition of discrimination. Should women be charged more property tax? Blacks? Since one has no control over where their mom gives birth, place of birth is immaterial. All legal residents of Wyoming deserve a tax break. We are a tolerant, non-discriminatory state. Any law based on place of birth would in fact violate our State Constitution, which is rooted in equality. And about half the state’s current residents were born elsewhere.
Ray Olson
March 10, 2023 at 4:47 pm
Wyoming solutions for Wyoming problems? Given that Wyoming is the state with the second highest per capita level of Federal assistance in the nation it’s pretty clear that the go to Wyoming solution is to milk every nickel possible from the Feds and then complain that they’re ruining our way of life. You know that Billion dollars that they put in savings- that was money from the feds. And at the same time they were putting that money in the bank they were requesting disaster relief funding for the agriculture sector. In short, the Wyoming solution is “I hate loath and despise the Federal Government, oh, and now that I have your attention… my check is late.”