City Council Discusses Speed Limit Change on Holly Ponds Drive

A petition was presented to the Sheridan City Council at their August 15 meeting by resident Don Kollekowski asking for a change in the speed limit on Holly Ponds Drive from 30 mph to 20 mph. City Public Works Director Hanns Mercer addressed the petition at this week’s City Council study session.
Mercer said the concern of residents in the area is that when high school students are released at lunchtime and in the afternoon, they attempt to circumvent the queue of vehicles at the four-way stop at the intersection of Hill Pond Drive by routing through Holly Ponds Drive. The City Council is expected to consider a resolution to lower the speed limit at their first regularly scheduled business meeting in September.

Jim Brock
August 25, 2022 at 6:54 am
Good luck. Like most residents of Sheridan, those kids are just going to ignore the speed limit signs…and stop signs for that matter.