SCSD#3 Discusses Bus Routes, Student Handbook

SCSD #3 board met on Wednesday, Aug. 17. Items for discussion included home school applications for two families, Hampshire family and Tietjen family, and approving the applications from two out-of-district families.
The board discussed the hiring of assistant coaches for the sports teams and the fact was mentioned that there is a shortage of coaches in Wyoming. One board member wondered what the best way was the school could encourage assistant coaches to continue training to become fully accredited.
Misty McTagger, Special Ed teacher, said that there were 18 students on IEP this year. She said they are looking forward to helping students achieve their individual goals. She added that the Special Ed program is serving the wide a variety of students, grades K-12.

Superintendent Chase Christensen reported that there was money available for technology updates in the school. He said there is grant money for professional development and he is working on finding out the best way to spend it to help the school.
Five bus routes and drivers were approved: Arvada/Spotted Horse; HWY 14/16; Murphy Gulch; Thompson Creek and Wild Horse #2.
The board voted to approve Amanda Andreen as Special Ed paraprofessional.
The board approved the student handbook and there was discussion about the handbook’s section addressing a student’s eligibility for sports. Student athletics must pass the eight credit classes, and Christensen said that as far as alcohol, tobacco and other drug usage, there is a zero-tolerance policy, However, he felt that the school’s job was to educate students and that they want to help and support students rather than bring in law enforcement.
Christensen also reported on the ESSER III grant which the district has applied for
He mentioned the updated Covid plan and to receive the Covid funding the plan has to be updated every six months. According to the CDC guidelines, SCSD #3 is currently operating as normal, but there are protocols in place should the Covid numbers increase.
Christensen reported that SCSD#2 and Johnson County #1 are hosting a candidate forum for school board candidates to help candidates to learn what is required of school board members, to make sure that candidates are aware of what the job entails. He added that it is about a 30-hour per month commitment, and it is not a small undertaking.