Game and Fish: CWD meetings to keep the public informed

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has announced wildlife managers will host two presentations in the Sheridan region in September to update the public on the most current information and research on chronic wasting disease (CWD) and discuss results from recent monitoring efforts in the region.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Game and Fish Sheridan Region Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt said the public brought many questions to the attention of the commission during a series of meetings held in the Fall of 2019 while the commission drafted the CWD management plan.
These meetings will be informative and address the questions raised by the public as well as update the public on CWD throughout the region.
CWD is a fatal nervous system disease of cervids (the deer family) caused by an infectious protein or prion. According to Game and Fish, the disease was first detected in Wyoming in 1985, and has since spread to 34 out of 37 mule deer herd units and 15 of the 36 elk herd units in the state. To date, prevalence of chronic wasting disease has exceeded 65% in mule deer and 14% in elk in some hunt areas. Not all herds are experiencing high CWD prevalence, but wildlife managers are concerned how this disease may affect cervid populations in the future.
The meetings will also have information on the surrounding Sheridan Region, Schmidt said.
The first presentation will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 21, at the Sheridan College Mars Agriculture Center as part of the fall Science Lecture Series. The second presentation will be held in Gillette at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 22, at the Campbell County Library at 2101 S. 4-J Rd.