Barrasso Discusses the Recently Passed Inflation Reduction Act

The U.S. Senate Sunday passed the Inflation Reduction Act, a $750 billion climate, healthcare and tax bill. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) voted against the bill and said the bill is going to mean more taxes, more spending, higher prices – right in the middle of a combination of an inflation time and a time of recession.
Barrasso said the inflation crisis will only get worse with the recently passed spending bill. The senator talked about Democrats’ plan to supersize the IRS, as the bill nearly doubles the size of the agency.
Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) also voted against the legislation saying in a media release that she could not support legislation that raises taxes on Wyoming families and pushes Green New Deal priorities that will harm domestic energy production. The House of Representatives are expected to consider the bill this upcoming Friday.

ray olson
August 8, 2022 at 9:36 pm
Gee, that’s not what the CBO concluded. So now you’ve gone from a C- Doctor (as rated by the AMA) to being an economics expert fit to kick sand in the face of the non-partisan experts hired by Congress to score budget related bills.
mike duncan
August 9, 2022 at 8:20 am
280 economist have said this bill will increase inflation.
Experts hired by congress? U mean the same ones who spent 40m on a russian hoax> Nuff said.
Ray Olson
August 9, 2022 at 9:57 am
CBO is non-partisan. the 230 (not 280) economists who said the bill would cause inflation were in a poll sponsored by Fox news (confirmation bias anyone?). Paul Krugman has done an extensive report on why the bill will reduce inflation and all the former Secretaries of Treasury (except Trumps) have supported the bill. And while we’re in this territory- Why did 43 Republicans vote against capping the cost of a drug that costs less than $10 to manufacture? Hope you don’t need insulin, but if you do you might want to discuss it with Barrasso and Lummis.
And just a sidebar, the CBO had nothing to do with the Muller Report which proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia interfered with the 2020 election(read the report or at least the summary-not the QAnon propaganda)
mike duncan
August 9, 2022 at 11:33 am
So when the poll by NBC and ABC show China Joe with a 36% approval score that is biased too???
Let me take a poll here: if you are better off financially that you were two years ago speak up
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 12:44 pm
Only the right wing autocrats are better off due to t-rump’s massive tax cuts for the rich and political corporations.
Ray Olson
August 9, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Pay attention- over 40% and climbing even faster than gas prices are dropping.
mike duncan
August 9, 2022 at 11:34 am
Paul Krugman admitted he was wrong about inflation.
Ray Olson
August 9, 2022 at 3:37 pm
no he did not- quit gaslighting
mike duncan
August 9, 2022 at 11:55 am
MEDIA Published July 21, 2022 10:05am EDT
With inflation worse than he predicted, NY Times’ Krugman admits: ‘I was wrong’, a ‘lesson in humility’
Krugman acknowledged making ‘a very bad call’ when he downplayed inflation fears amid Biden’s massive spending
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 12:43 pm
A large enough broom does not exist to clean up t-rump’s mess and sane people know it.What’s your excuse?
Ray Olson
August 10, 2022 at 7:24 am
8-2-22 Krugman said the IRB would probably reduce inflation and definitely would not raise it.Do your homework or go home, correcting your erroneous statements is getting boring.
Thomas Jones
August 9, 2022 at 5:11 pm
Communist Paul Krugman from the NYtimes? LOL! The US is over $30 TRILLION in debt. We’re broke! The US is already in a recession. Next stop: depression. You can thank the uniparty for that.
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 12:45 pm
The 40m would be better spent on housing all the t-rumpers in a crowbar hotel…yourself included.
Thomas Jones
August 8, 2022 at 9:42 pm
Sorry john, but we are at this point because of RINOs like you. Your leader mitch got played by the dems, and now we will all suffer because of it. What will over 80,000 new IRS agents be tasked with? Same thing that obama tasked his IRS with: go after political enemies like he did to the TEA party groups. What will it be this time? Constant audits of people who voted for Trump?
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 12:41 pm
Crooks like t-rump need to be audited. Nuff said.
Thomas Jones
August 9, 2022 at 5:04 pm
He’s been audited every year for a long period of time, and now its your turn.
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 7:36 am
barrasso,and his cohorts, are just PO’d because they can’t have all the cookies in the jar. Whining and sniveling,along with throwing road apples,are their specialty…yet when they are in charge of the beltway, it is a different dog and pony show. Term limits needed bad.
mike duncan
August 9, 2022 at 8:18 am
DEMS GONE WILD! Look at the slobbering attempts to blast Brarrasso. Thats because he is right!! Maybe there will be an FBI raid on his home..
Biden has screwed up everything he has touched and no amount of Wyo dem BS will change the facts. 36% approval is there for a reason…total failure and will sink the USA
Fred Osborn
August 9, 2022 at 12:40 pm
Can’t sink any lower than when slobs are crowing like bantam roosters…look in the mirrir.Pot calling the kettle black. Next try.
Harriett Oleson
August 9, 2022 at 1:37 pm
MIKE!! I AM A RINO AND DARN PROUD OF IT. A RINO is a republican who, like me– has voted republican for over 50 years. But mike this is NOT the republican party any more. The RNC proclaimed Jan 6th was “legitimate political discourse”, trump committed treason, republican state legislators are stripping rights to vote and rights for women to decide about their own health. This party gave gigantic tax cuts to the wealthy upper 2% and then blamed the Democrats for increasing deficits. The republican Supreme Court is placing politics over the Constitution. I could go on and on about this gang pretending to be the party of Lincoln, Reagan, Eisenhower, Bush and other great United States leaders. So Mike I am VERY PROUD to be called a RINO because you are calling me a republican who can THINK. A republican not brain washed by trump’s obvious, silly, transparent lies. I am very, very sorry that the Republican party is currently made up of “proud boys, oath keepers, neo nazis and “Yes Master trump” like Barrasso, Guliani, Cruz, DeSantiz all of whom have sold their souls for votes and power…. So Mike, I am DARN PROUD TO BE CALLED A RINO..
Bob Ahrens
August 9, 2022 at 8:22 am
Barrasso, you’ve lost all of your credibility. I believe little of anything you say.