Fish Fire now over 6,000 acres

The Fish Fire was reported on Sunday, July 31, at 11:30 a.m. The fire is located 7 miles south of Sundance, WY. and east of Wyoming Highway 585. It is burning on the Bearlodge Ranger District, Black Hills National Forest in steep, rugged terrain on Iron Mountain. The fire started on private land and according to InciWeb was human caused.
Resources from Crook County, U.S. Forest Service and Wyoming State Forestry Division are actively engaged in suppression efforts. Multiple helicopters and air tankers have been used to make water and retardant drops. Firefighters are building containment lines and providing structure protection around residences.
On July 31, the fire was estimated to be at 500 acres. InciWeb reported Wednesday that size has grown to 6,476 acres.
An area closure is in place for the area south of Crook County Road (Clark Road) and Wyoming Highway 585 east to Reynolds Road (FSR 872), south to the Moskee townsite and west to Wyoming Highway 585.
For public and firefighter safety, the public is asked to stay away from the area until it is safe to return. Links to the official Closure Order and map are available here and here.
A type 3 Incident Management Team from the State of Wyoming Division of Forestry began managing the incident on Aug. 2. The Rocky Mountain Critical Incident Management Team 1 assumed command of the fire on Wednesday morning, Aug. 3.
Smoke can be seen in multiple directions and fire officials ask the public to use caution while driving in smoky conditions. For more information on smoke impacts, click here.
Incident officials are asking the public to please not fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, in the wildfire area. “If You Fly, We Can’t” campaign emphasizes the serious risks posed to firefighter and public safety from unauthorized drone flights during wildfire suppression operations.