Native Plants, Carrington and 1860s Music, Features of Fort Phil Kearny Events

On May 25 and June 5, The Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association (FPK/BTA) will be hosting three events, which are free and open to the public.
On May 25, at 6 p.m., Mae Smith, the Director of Agriculture and Rangeland Management instructor at Sheridan College, will give a talk on native Wyoming plants at the Wagon Box Site, on Wagon Box Road in Story. According to the flyer, last year Smith identified over 42 plant species. There is no charge for the event.
On June 5th, at 2 p.m. at the Kearney Hall, Sonny Reisch will give a talk on “The Life of Henry B. Carrington.” Carrington was assigned to protect the Bozeman Trail and he was in charge of building Fort Phil Kearny, and was the commander of the remote army post during Red Cloud’s War.

Following Reisch’s talk, the New Sheridan Cornet Band will play a selection of popular music of the 1860’s, including pieces that may have been played by the 18th Infantry Band at Fort Phil Kearny.
The New Sheridan Cornet Band has been performing 19th century music since 1999. It is made up of advanced amateur players and music educators. The band has given concerts in Buffalo, Cody. Powell, Casper, and twice in Colorado, as well as at many events in the city of Sheridan. The band has performed the actual wild west music originally played by Buffalo Bill Cody’s Cowboy Band.
The events are free and open to the public. For more information, please visit their website, or email them at