5 years agoon
Pat BlairSheridan County School District 2 is looking for a new high school principal.
Brent Leibach, who has been principal of Sheridan High School for six years, announced last month that he will retire as of the end of June.
Scott Stults, who’s an assistant superintendent with the school district, said the position is now being advertised.
Stults said the district would like to take a recommendation for a new principal to the district’s board of trustees at their April board meeting. He said it would be good if the new principal could spend some time with Leibach before Leibach’s time with the district runs out, but typically contracts are from the start of the fiscal year, on July 1.
Stults said Leibach has done an outstanding job with the district during his tenure. Leibach started with the district in 2008 as assistant principal at Sheridan Junior High School, then was principal at Highland Park Elementary from 2009 until he became principal at the high school.
During his tenure at the high school, in 2018, Leibach and his staff earned national PLC Model School status for the high school.
Stults said Sheridan High School has earned many other recognitions during Leibach’s tenure, including U.S. News & World Report’s Best High School Silver Award for four of Leibach’s six years as principal.