JCSD1 Transportation Costs $50K Higher Than Budgeted

Johnson County School District #1 is facing a substantial increase in transportation costs, caused mostly by the increase in fuel prices, which will eventually lead to an amendment to their current budget to cover those costs.
At their meeting Monday night in Kaycee, board member Dave Belus asked if the $40,000 that was being considered for the amendment would be enough to cover the increased cost in fuel.
Superintendent Charles Auzqui explained the situation further.
Auzqui said currently it is only a cost estimate, and he has asked the schools and Transportation Director Dennis Zezas to look at funds they can transfer to the fuel costs.
What funds they are still short at the end of the year will be brought back to the board for a budget amendment.
This year’s increased fuel costs, which are projected at somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 will be reported to the state for next year’s transportation costs, according to Auzqui.