The Rotary Club of Sheridan and Locomotive #5631

The Sheridan City Council is awaiting the results of grant applications before they approve a land swap with the Rotary Club of Sheridan that could result in a locomotive park in the city.
The debate surrounds the use of city funds to relocate CB&Q Locomotive #5631 from its current location on the corner of East 5th and Broadway to a plot of land north-east of its current location and build an interpretive park to house the engine.
According to City Councilman Aaron Lindon, city leadership is awaiting to determine how much grant funding may be available for the costly project.
“Until we know how much the project would directly impact the city, it is in a holding pattern,” Lindon said.
The Rotary Club of Sheridan members and members of the The CB&Q #5631 Renovation Committee Blaine Hadfield and Dan Stalker updated listeners of Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse on the development of a possible Locomotive Park.
Hadfield provided the history of the locomotive and its significance.
Hadfield and Stalker spoke on the significance of the railroad to the Sheridan area, trains made it possible to move the coal in the area and relocate livestock as well as visitors and those wishing to relocate to the area, making Sheridan the destination it is today.
For a full history of the locomotive and to view artist renditions of the proposed interpretive center, view the news story by Sheridan Media reporter Cynthia Vannoy, here.

Jacqualyn Dygert
April 11, 2022 at 10:36 pm
I just do not understand why a handfull of people against an awful lot of others can do what they want instead of the peoples choices. So many things have changed due to that since I’ve lived here without even considering native Sheridanites concerns. Now it’s the locomotive, before it was the lions that if they just had to be moved, should have been to the tourist center where many could enjoy them, not just the college. Same with the park, the trees down loucks and coffeen, the dancers in front of the Sheridan Inn. It just keeps happening. I wish all the voters here would at least be considered, not just the few that are.
Mark Steingass
April 12, 2022 at 6:25 am
…moving the locomotive is only part of the whole story…it would be informative for everyone to see what the “beer garden” or the “parking lot” will look like after the 5631 locomotive is moved within the “Railroad Historic District”…
Harriett Oleson
April 12, 2022 at 8:52 am
I have read the plan for the Locomotive and it is GREAT!! I know if the “voters” would research the plan they would not only understand why it needs to be moved but what a fabulous improvement it will be….. I think the city could have done a much better job of informing the public about the plan.. Informed citizens tend to be against change. It is a GREAT plan and I hope it will happen. Maybe “the agin its” should try to be more informed rather than just simply agin any change.
Harriett Oleson
April 12, 2022 at 9:41 am
Typo alert: I meant to say unformed citizens tend to be against change. Perhaps if we want to be a positive part of this community we should realize we need to inform ourselves, rather than just be agin any change.
Adrian Rios
April 12, 2022 at 9:44 am
Make it like Maine Street or the city park you people should leave things be, probably not even born here…
Harriett Oleson
April 12, 2022 at 2:30 pm
Not born here?? Good question Adrian! I was not born here but I have been a resident of North Central Wyoming for 75 years and a resident of Sheridan for 56 years. Now a question for you.. Have you read or seen the plan for the Locomotive or are you just simply against it for without any real information????
Adrian Rios
April 12, 2022 at 9:49 am
Why don’t you fix Sheridan hospital Sheridanites don’t even go there we know better.
Michael McLaughlin
April 12, 2022 at 10:14 am
The will of the people is under the control of the few…. this locomotive WILL be moved, get over it. Done deal.
michael Mclaughlin
April 12, 2022 at 11:40 am
Sheridan Media needs to do a poll? The will of the people need to be expressed. Shame on the few, to govern the most.
Dan Stalker
April 12, 2022 at 3:05 pm
Thank you Harriet Oleson! Our Committee continues to reach out to the community. We have published a web site (wwwcbq57631) that explains the history of the railroad district, the locomotive and details the reasoning for the move. In addition, we want to reach out and meet with any concerned citizen to further explain our intentions. We want to hear from anyone and everyone, not through social media but in person. We have garnered support from numerous non-profit organizations and community leaders. No one has been ignored.
Dan Stalker
April 12, 2022 at 4:00 pm
The web site is cbq5631!
Mark Steingass
April 13, 2022 at 6:53 am
great…you want to hear from “anyone and everyone” but not through social media…but you have a Facebook page (with 5 followers)…your website has portals like “how can I help…with tier levels of donors showing Sponsors, Major Donors, Engineers, Trainmasters, Brakeman, Gandy Dancers…and DONATE…there are about 4-5 people showing interest (like the Facebook page)…it’s a great start…and incredible collaboration…please keep your website and your FB page updated because when city council votes on this land trade council may need to judge accurately how many residents might potentially show up at the council meeting for the final vote in support (or opposition)
Dan Stalker
April 13, 2022 at 9:16 am
Thank you opening the web site. We are quite proud of it. The site was officially launched just a few weeks ago. Yes, the social media following is limited right now but we have garnered enthusiastic support from several organizations in our community. We are open to a discussion and truly look forward to meeting with you.
dan stalker
April 13, 2022 at 5:45 pm
I’m not sure how many followers the Downtown Sheridan Association has in its data base, but they just today published on their Instagram site an article featuring the locomotive. The locomotive is also featured ons a part their newsletter. Now that the Rotary web site is active, perhaps there will be other individuals or organizations that will start to follow the progress of the project.
Mark Steingass
April 14, 2022 at 9:01 am
Your goal of 200K by September of this year is a hefty goal indeed….why didn’t you get started two years ago on this?….with current inflation rates affecting everyone you may be stymied…I submitted a query to you via your website and have more concerns to convey…several emails which I sent to Pete went unanswered…so I gave up.
Mark Steingass
April 14, 2022 at 9:12 am
…and how much money has the Rotary raised so far up to this month toward this CB&Q 5631 roof/restoration project?
dan stalker
April 14, 2022 at 10:56 am
I do not know the status of the emails that have not been answered. I do know that this project and Rotary’s involvement, was initiated last year. Rotary simply wanted to paint the locomotive 6 years ago. The City said no as asbestos was discovered. When we found out that the asbestos had been abated, we decided to provide a cosmetic enhancement to the locomotive and tender. Our web site was developed for this purpose. It was after we got involved that the idea of an Interpretive Park was considered. In discussing the Park with other community groups and business entities, we decided to support the relocation of the locomotive. The current site does not provide enough room for the Interpretive Park. We also decided to support the relocation and refurbishment of the Sheridan Trolley before it further deteriorates. The new setting will include the locomotive, the tender, the trolley, a canopy cover, parking for tour busses, restrooms, picnic tables and benches, a tot lot and the placement of the Native American Honoring Project. And, of equal importance, the relocation will open the 180 degree views from 5th Street headed west to the Sheridan Inn, to Welcome Market Hall and to the wooden depot structure. A variety of fund raising efforts are currently under way.
Mark Steingass
April 14, 2022 at 1:08 pm
…good luck in your endeavors…fund raising especially in high numbers can be a daunting task…