WY Army National Guard Hosting 2nd Open House To Discuss New Maintenance Facility

In their search for a location to build a vehicle maintenance facility, members of The Wyoming Army National Guard may have found a location much closer to home than before.
Currently one guard unit is divided between Sheridan, Worland and Powell, and maintenance on any vehicle in Sheridan, must go over the Big Horn Mountains to Lovell.
In an effort to eliminate the travel, the Guard is looking to build a facility in the Sheridan area and members were originally looking at an area off of Soldier Creek Road.
Now the Guard is exploring the possibility of building the facility on land adjacent to where the Sheridan Armory is, on Coffeen Avenue just south of Sheridan College.
Before the site selection is finalized, the Guard is asking for public input, and will host another open house on Tuesday, March 29th beginning at 4pm, with an informal presentation scheduled to begin at 5pm.
Members of the Wyoming Military Department team will be on hand to answer questions and listen to feedback.
Wyoming Adjutant General Greg Porter says the Guard is hoping to have a location and building design ready and try to break ground sometime during spring next year, and have the project finished in 2025.