Northern WY Community College District Ranks In Top 20 For Best CCs In The USA

Wyoming as well as several community college districts have been named some of the top places in the nation for community colleges.
Wallethub did a study in which they examined about 685 community colleges in the USA, and ranked them on several categories such as cost and financing, education outcome and career outcome.
The study took into account issues such as cost of in-state tuition, faculty salary, graduation rate, student to faculty ratio, and how much former students were earning vs. high school graduates.
After calculating various scores for each category, the Northern Wyoming Community College District (Sheridan and Gillette colleges) was ranked 18th in the country.
Casper College wasn’t far behind at #33, and Northwest College in Powell was ranked 42nd.
The State Technical College of Missouri located in Linn was ranked #1, while Miles Community College in Miles City, Montana was ranked 77th.
Wallethub also did a state-by-state ranking to see which state had the best community college systems.
That study used the weighted averages of the individual CCs in each state and the number of students enrolled at each school.
Wyoming was ranked #2 in the country, only behind Hawaii.
The data that Wallethub used was obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics, the Campaign for Free College Tuition, the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Community & Economic Research.
Click here to see the school by school rankings.
Click here to see state rankings

Charlene S Foster
August 17, 2021 at 11:11 am
Congratulations on a continuing job well done!