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Senator Biteman: Work Not Done Yet for This Session

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State Senate President Bo Biteman (SD-21) Talked with Sheridan Media to discuss recent happenings in the legislature, admitting that this year’s session would likely not be completed on time as scheduled on Thursday.

He explained why lawmakers need more time.

Biteman discussed the two major pieces of legislation that were signed by Governor Mark Gordon.

Biteman also explained that the Senate had not passed a supplemental budget this year, saying they believed the state could operate on the existing budget.

Biteman also touched on other legislation including the Gun-Free Zone repeal bill that is now law and the Second Amendment Protection Act which as of Thursday was on Governor Gordon’s desk for his decision.

We will have more from Senate President Bo Biteman in upcoming stories.



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    Solomon Morris

    March 7, 2025 at 8:43 am

    I was very pleased that the SJ2 transferring Federal lands to State control failed. I was beyond disappointed in Mr. Biteman supporting this bill. I would think he would have appreciated living in the shadows of the Big Horn Mountains where his fellow Wyomingites can recreate and enjoy open space. Wyoming can barely afford to manage the land that has in the state system now. Mr. Biteman and his circle would sell off OUR public land to the highest bidder and see the open spaces covered in subdivision and ranchettes seasonally occupied. As was sung by the group Counting Crows “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
    With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swinging hot spot
    Don’t it always seem to go
    That you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone?”

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    Dennis Fox

    March 7, 2025 at 1:44 pm

    Yes Joni Mitchell sang the same stupid “fear-mongering” song 50 years ago. Mountains are still here and will only improve when the State takes control vice the idiots in DC.
    Those closest to the situation ALWAYS make the better decision.
    In fact there’s no constitutional reason for the Bloated FEDGOV to own any land, other than forts.
    Only the idiot minority of Communists in the country are trying to defend the FedGov. It’s become corrupt, expansive and must be downsized significantly.
    President Trump and Senator Biteman are on the right track!

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