SCLT September Explore History: The Trabing Brothers’ Freight Empire

On September 3rd, The Sheridan Community Land Trust announced that its Explore History program for September will be “The Trabing Brothers’ Freight Empire.”
The program will be held on September 10, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., at The Hub on Smith in Sheridan, and again on Tuesday, September 17, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon., at the TRVCC in Dayton.
Nancy Trabing Mickelson will present her historical research into the Trabing brothers, Augustus and Charles, who were ranchers, merchants, and freighters who arrived in Laramie in 1868.
They were already experienced in these fields before moving to Laramie. The brothers freighted goods from the railroad to remote areas of Wyoming Territory. They also opened the Trabing Commercial Company Store, one of Laramie’s first commercial enterprises. The Trabing brothers contributed to the settling of Johnson, Albany, and Carbon Counties in Wyoming’s early years.
The Explore History programs offer open conversation for community members to share their memories or historical information about these sites and events.
Explore History is free to attend and open to all. For more information, visit