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SCSD#1 Board of Trustees Elects Officers

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The December 13 SCSD#1 board meeting was held virtually due to the winter snowstorm. The Slack school presentation, canceled due to weather, is planned for the February meeting.

Two parents attended the meeting via zoom. Parent Shawn Kelley talked about the proposed softball team, and felt there was a report about pulling athletes from track or golf, and he said the girls who are interested in softball are girls who are not playing sports right now. He said three years ago there was not even a rec summer league.

He added that he felt there were enough interested girls in Tongue River and Big Horn to have their own teams. He said the girls have no where in the county to play. The closest town they have to play in is Gillette, “There is no way we will get the girls to Gillette to practice.”

He was in favor of the co-op idea between the districts and having groups join together for the greater good, he added. “I think a lot of girls are falling in love with the sport,” he said. He felt it might be a way for girls to obtain scholarships as well.

Parent John Bridges shared his concerns about the group mental health counseling program at Big Horn Elementary School. He was also concerned about incorporating mental health counseling as a part of other class room curriculum, which he felt was inappropriate.

He felt that parents were not informed of what is happening with this program and that the administration wants to force this mental health counseling upon students.

Student representatives Lily Krumm, joining the meeting in person, and Ethan Alliot, joining via zoom, gave reports on what the students were doing in their schools. Krumm mentioned the choir concert, and winter sports, as well as the food drive.

Ethan Alliot and Lily Krumm at the September Board Meeting

Alliot mentioned that the drama team won at state. He also mentioned the juniors had the mock interviews for Career and Independent Living. FBL is leading the coat drive and toy drive this winter as well.

During the administrative reports segment, Ryan Fuhrman, principal of Tongue River Elementary, mentioned that he was impressed with how

Jeff Jones, principal at Tongue River Middle School, said he was highlighting adults at the school each month in his newsletter.

He also reported on the TRMS students win at the recent Robotics Competition held in Casper.

Brian Lawson talked about the newly formed PTO at Big Horn Middle School, and the upcoming first ever PTO event

Al Sparkman, BHHS, talked about how much he appreciates the parents and their contribution to the school. “We don’t do those great things at BHHS without parents support. We want to tell them how much we appreciate them.” He also said that they don’t have extra curricular activities, but co-curricular activities. He also felt that hiring a job coach was money well invested by the district.

Al Sparkman

The school calendar was discussed, and the board voted to accept calendar option three for the 2023-24 school year.

The board reorganization was on the agenda, and the board voted to retain current officers, Clint Krumm as chairman, Vice-chair Eric Lofgren; and they elected Mercedes Biteman as treasurer and Chad Baker as clerk. Committee appointments will remain the same.

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